organize your home office

If there’s one spot in your home you should have well-organized, it’s the office. While keeping the office neat and functional is important, it’s probably one of the most challenging rooms to maintain. Read on for some helpful tips to organize your home office and create a comfortable and productive space.

Find the Right Space

Not everyone has a designated room for an office, but you can still create a cozy and functional space anywhere in your home. Create a work area in the bedroom, kitchen, basement, or family room. Use a spare bedroom, living room corner, or convert the attic into an office space.

Downsize to Organize Your Home Office

Whether you use your office for work, schoolwork, or paying bills, papers can pile up fast. When you decide to organize your office, sort the items there and throw away, recycle, or shred documents and mail you don’t need. File important papers in a safe place. Clean out the office supplies. Keep only the things you use regularly. If you don’t need rubber bands, there is no reason to keep a stash in the desk drawer. Look through the books on the shelves and donate anything you won’t read again.

Use Color-Coding

Use color-coding by labeling folders, binders, and notebooks for an easy and visible way to get organized. Color-coding will help you quickly and easily find documents, warranty information, medical records, and anything else you’re looking for.

Take Advantage of Wall Space

Your walls aren’t just for artwork; they can be used to organize the office space. Purchase hanging bins and baskets for mail, bills, and documents. Cork board is helpful for holding items you want to reference but don’t need right at your fingertips. Hang a wall calendar for a visual way to keep track of meetings and events.

Organize Your Home Office by Maximizing Drawer Space

Drawers quickly become cluttered because it’s easy to close a drawer and forget about the mess inside. Encourage organization by using containers and bins to divide your drawers. With separate compartments for pens, sticky notes, paperclips, and staples, you’ll be able to find office supplies when you need them.

Save Space With Storage Furniture

You might not have the largest home office, but the small space can still be functional with space-saving furniture. Purchase furniture with built-in storage for the room. A desk with a top that lifts to reveal storage underneath, an ottoman with storage beneath the seat cushion, and floating shelves are perfect additions to a small office.

Organizing your home office doesn’t have to be a chore; think of it as a project to make paying bills and video meetings more enjoyable. When you finish the organization, you’ll have turned the office into a place where you want to spend time.

DJR Home Inspections provides inspections for homebuyers and sellers in central and southern New Jersey. Contact us to schedule an appointment.